See, it was Alphonso's birthday this weekend so of course I had to figure out how to get there. After XS on Thursday, which was much fun as usual, I went home and tried to figure out how to get to DC as soon as possible. I had had a ride initially, but it fell through. Y'know, it happens.
Then Friday, I banged out eleven pages of the script for that TV show I talked about before. No chance of it being produced in sight, but let me tell far, it's good. And it keeps getting better, in my head anyways.
That night, Cody picked me up and we headed to Towson. Stuff happened, we almost didn't go to Town, but I joined Jeffy, Josh, and Sam on their way down. And, as the death defying ride continued, we discovered I could have gone with a much saner driver and Brendan was still coming down. Oh well. :P
(I still luv you Jeffy, I just don't want to ride with you ever again. :P)
So once we finally made it to Town, that was a blast. Tons of people, new and old, to hang out with. All the dancers I know and love were there. And Dennis -- oh, I felt so bad although everyone kind of got a kick out of this -- hurt himself so he and I both had slings on our left arms. People took pictures of us with out slings. When I'm famous, that's going to end up in a tabloid somewhere, I know it. :P
I reintroduced myself to Simon, which became kind of an inside joke for the weekend. Oh, inside you make me laugh -- but quietly, to myself so other people don't think I'm skitzo.
After Town was a party at Alphonso's that ended up lasting until about 6:30 am. It was a total blast and I met some amazing people there. I also got hit on a lot, which was unfortunate because -- as you ought to know by now if you've been reading this blog for a while -- I've got very mixed feelings about being hit on and I think sex with people you don't know is typically extremely ugh. When everyone had finally left, and everything was cleaned up without the birthday boy having to do anything, Allie and I went to bed. I was totally exhausted.
We woke up super late on Saturday and went to eat at this great little restaurant. I ordered Crab Cakes Benedict, and although I can assure you there were no crabs harmed in the making of my meal (which may have been a mistake, I don't know) it was delicious!
Saturday night was a party at Alphonso's. Tons of people were there. It was fantastic. Some of them were people I'd already met (like Simon, who reintroduced himself to me :P) but a lot of them were new. About the time people were heading off to various clubs -- the party was kind of in shifts -- I headed off to a club called the Rock and Roll Hotel with some of my new friends, Ryan, Shawn, Aaron, Drew, and Michael -- some of my favorites of the whole weekend. When we were there we also met JR who is cool as shit. A lot of the music was new to me, Baltimore House, and I have to say I LOOOOOOVED IT!! It was a total blast, and I can't wait to hang out with all those boys again. It was by far better than the last time I ran off to hang out with people I'd just met.
Ryan and Shawn also introduced me to this:
The most hysterical thing ever.
So we got back to Alphonso's around 3 am and the party was still going strong, although not for much longer. Met some more people, talked to some people I had already met, had a blast. Passed out.
Sunday, Alphonso and I cleaned up, went out to a place called The Diner for breakfast, and stayed in and watched movies. The weather was gross, but I finally got the chance to see

This morning, I took the train up from DC to Philly and then back to central PA. Now, Katie and I are working on tying up the loose ends here and heading home for the summer. Thursday we're going to NYC for the day and I'm really hoping I'll still manage an appearance at XS. Friday I should be at Town one final time. Saturday is Katie's graduation ceremony, and then Sunday morning -- bright and early because with my whole elbow thing this is going to be a long a hellish road trip -- I will go home to Rhode Island.
...and from there...well, you'll just have to find out. ;) Let's just say this summer will be gooood, especially since I'm starting to get back some of that old spark and spontaneity that I seemed to have lost.
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