Thursday I drove all frikkin' day to get to Maryland and shortly thereafter, Brendan and I left for XS. Where I got very very drunk. Which was fun! I met a lot of cool new people too -- and I even remember a few of them! Kinda.
Almost everyone was there, except a few people who had gone up to Allentown where Jeffy's birthday celebration was going on. It was supposed to be at XS, but there was drama (surprise!) so he had to move it. I didn't know about the drama until far too late to move mine (plus, Allentown is three hours away so....) Anyways, Cody was there (he'd never seen me drunk before...), Jordan, Kenny, Amanda, Anthony (who was celebrating his 18th birthday too), Will, basically, tons and tons of people!
The next day we headed down to Washington D.C to go to Town. It was basically the same crew, and then some. (Including two new people: Mitchel and Larry, who were very cool.) Once we got there, pretty much all of my friends in DC showed up which was incredibly awesome. I mean, there were a few I didn't get to see but oh well. You win some, you lose some. Now, if I had been drunk at XS then I was really and truly wasted at Town -- everyone kept buying me drinks. Like everyone. I didn't like half of them -- too strong -- but I drank them anyways because they were a gift. Anyways, fairly early in the night I decided that, with all of the gorgeous guys around that I couldn't hook up with, I was going to find a boy for Jeff to make out. I focused on one of the go go boys there (one who I, of course, think is breath-taking -- there's a story about the first time I saw him actually but I'll tell it later :P). But eventually I was too drunk to continue trying to get Jeff to make out and I wandered away all Attention Deficit-y. Ooooh, and Cody and I went at it that night! First, I was already irked by the fact that he didn't come to RI for my birthday because he'd spent all his money on drinking. Then he compared me to my evil, evil ex-boyfriend -- the one we don't talk about. Yeah. I slapped him and then continued dancing as if it hadn't happened. Good times.
Anyways, I had SUCH a fun, drunken night. But I was exhausted by the time we left -- even though I had no desire to leave yet. So during the car ride back, I passed out on Larry.

After BeBar we went and had an afterparty

And that's all you get for now. I'll finish the story of the road trip tomorrow, I promise/swear on my life. Then I'll get you caught up on everything that's happened since.
I think we need to see a photograph of this alleged bf, Chris.
No worries, Sue, you will. :)
"I didn't like half of them -- too strong -- but I drank them anyways because they were a gift"
I use to be like that too, but now it's like "the stronger.....the better" that way when you do actually have to start buyin' your own drinks, you can have that one strong one to fuck you up, and you don't have to waste so much money. :D
And yet, Cody, you still go broke on booze. ;)
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