8:30 my phone rings and wakes me up. I answer. It's the Dell guy. He tells me he's going to be here between 4:00 pm and 5:00 pm. That's distinctly different from 9 to noon, so I grumbled and went back to bed -- changing my alarm to noon.
Well, I haven't been asleep for long when my phone goes off again. I answer. It's the stupid Dell appointment people. First an automated message plays. And then repeats itself. Then it connects me to a person who asks for my reference number. I told him point blank that I didn't have it and if they were going to call me, I expected he should know who he was talking to. I'm not the nicest person ever when you wake me up, I'll admit.
He looked me up and proceeded to confirm my appointment for between 2:30 pm and 5:30 pm. When he hung up, I went back to sleep.
I woke up, went to physical therapy and killed my arm. Then I came home, putzed around, and waited. The Dell guy called to push himself back to 4:30 pm to 5:00 pm.
Mom's friend came over to teach her how to face paint efficiently and artistically. We actually came up with some good business ideas about how to exploi--I mean, expand mom's friend's face painting business to the gay community. Pridefest, night club parties, etc. Downside? One way or the other, following through with that idea means coming out as a go go boy to my family. Aw shit, son.
Anyways, Dell guy called again. Pushing himself back to 5:00 pm to 5:30 pm. Then he called again with a sort of "I'll get there at some point" response. I'm getting less pleased by the moment, but he finally shows up and begins to take my computer apart and find various problems with it. He spends the whole time on the phone with people from Dell. As he packs up to leave he proceeds to tell me that he would need to come back with more parts, like feet to put on the bottom of my laptop and stuff, a new power cord, etc. And then he tells me it's because I treat my computer badly.
HELLO????? It's a three-year old computer and all that's needed replaced (aside from, periodically, Dell's shitty power cords that they're RENOWNED for needing replaced all the time) is the hard drive and the fan -- and that was because of a rather unfortunate incident. Anyways, basically, from what he implied, apparently you are not supposed to move laptops. He told me when he comes back with the new parts, he's going to tell me how to take care of the laptop.
Chris came over then and helped calm me down, but I'm still pretty damn irate. Especially because the stupid appointment office called again -- I didn't answer -- and left a voice mail saying my appointment was from between 9:00 am to 5:30 pm. Like, really? You call that an appointment?
That whole Dell thing is freakin' hilarious. Was the Dell guy even good looking at all?
And if anyone were to make plans to come to my house, whether it's a business person, or a friend. You need to have the times be only 15 minutes apart. Like 9:00am to 9:15am, because I am never at my house for long. I am out just drivin' around.
And if a business were to tell me when the appointment is for 9 to 12, I would be like "listen here, you make it smaller increments of time, because I don't have the time to wait around" and if I would have been you waiting for someone to show up at like 6pm, I would flip shit.
You are not supposed to MOVE a laptop???????????????
So then why do they put handles on the cases???????????? And make them lap size?????????????
So, was he cute?
No, he was heinously ugly to begin with. Besides, I have a cutie, I don't need to hit on obnoxious Dell technicians. :P
haha.. love that picture.
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