That's what time it is. East Coast, that is. Not that this is really a coast, I'm in the middle of nowhere -- how far away from the ocean can it be and still be called a coast?
I don't really know why I'm awake. I don't feel well, I guess. The breathing thing is not going so hot right now. Lots of coughing, a bit of sneezing. Ick. Ick. Ick.
So, if you're at my school tomorrow and you see me, be aware: I have the plague!!!! Of course, I fully intend on doing my routine of ignoring it until I no longer can. Despite the fact I already have no voice like 45% of the time. Less than 50%, so it's still a "win" in my books.
I can't drop Bio. I also don't think I can pass Bio, so we'll see what can be done. If I can pull off a D- I'll be more than satisfied. I just want to get the heck out of Dodge at this point, I'm so over school.
I had my last follow-up to my elbow surgery today. It was fine. They're not doing anything about the stupid-ass, bitchy nurse who left those stitches in though. I would've thrown a bigger hissy fit, if I'd had more voice at the time.
My radio show is starting next week.
My life is so full of uncertainty and so many people need me to plan for the future, and I'm still trying to find a job for now that I can fit around school....why does Senior Year suck so much ass? But it's almost over.
Chris is coming pretty much every weekend. I feel bad, but at the same time, I looooooove seeing him. He's keeping me way sane right now -- except that he wants me to be able to figure out my life too. And he wants me to figure it out with him in it. And I want him in it. But if I can't figure it out for just me, how do I figure it out for more than that?
I feel like he's bailing on his friends for me, something we said we'd never do. It makes me really uncomfortable, actually, but when I express this he says it's no problem and basically tells me he doesn't like anyone, and I'm the only important person.
Ok, most important person, yes. Only important person? If you say so.

Also, Ethan is embarking on a multi-city tour. I'll be creating an epic picture for his contest -- a picture with your name and the city you'd like him to visit. If I don't win, at least he'll be entertained. (When I have the photo made, I will also post here for all of your enjoyment. As I will also do for some of the flyers for my radio show.)
I'm gonna try this sleep thing again.
3:47 am.
1 comment:
Wow! Another vampire series! Yay! There is another one on HBO right now, but I don't get that. I'm going to see if Netflix has the Lair yet. Have you read the new vampire books by Stephenie Meyers? They kind of suck, but they are vampire books. Ethan is doing great huh? His ex, Benjamin not so good. He is back in porn. Ginch Gonch went under.
How can you know that you are going to fail bio when it is so early in the semester??? Bio is so easy!!! What are you having trouble with? How can I help? Bio is only all about sex, how can that be so hard? LOL
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