Monday, September 01, 2008

He's baaaaaaaaaack!!!

It has been a loooong time since I've had the opportunity to write here. I'm sure you'll forgive me when you see what I've been up to.

Last time I posted, I might've fibbed. Chris and I were about to head on a trip to Ohio, where we surprised Katie (and Kat, no less!) To help with the surprise, I posted about how nothing was going on and how dull my life was.
And you all believed that?????? God, it's like you don't know me at all. :P

Anyhow, so we went to Ohio with his mother to visit his family and to see Katie and Kat. On the trip, he asked me to stop go go dancing -- and, yes, I have. Color me whipped, I guess. We also began to set up the ways we would stay in touch while I was out here -- World of Warcraft accounts (yesss, we're geeks, try not to be too ashamed of me). He also gave me a webcam. And of course, we have phones.

Anyways, we got back and immediately I began to prepare for my return to Pennsylvania for school -- which was merely days away. My Aunt Susan and Uncle Robert also came to RI for a visit in the same few days. I saw them one day, which was a day spent with Chris as well -- and thne I was off.

I got pulled over on my way to PA in New Jersey. I won't go into too much detail, but I owe $240 dollars for my speeding ticket. And -- strangely enough -- my financial situation isn't terrible so I'm not really worried about it.

The really terrible things started happening when I got to Pennsylvania. See, I had planned to live in this in-law apartment four blocks away from campus. When I got to PA they informed me that their property had been put up for sale and that I could met on a month-to-month basis. I was like "" and began my trek as a hobo, bouncing first from Jess' apartment to Nicole's apartment, to Jason's couch, to finally getting a place with Carl and Damon! I'm back in the apartment complex I lived in with Katie last school year, but with each of us paying a third of the rent it works out to be a pretty good deal.

I started classes as a hobo, so getting into the swing of things has been pretty difficult. We're still moving in. Chris came this weekend to visit, which was good because this distance thing has been incredibly difficult for us both on top of all of this. He left today.

So, now you're all caught up!!! :)


Sue said...

Gave up go-go, became a hobo. What won't you do for this bozo?

Okay, I was trying too hard. I'm sure he is not a bozo. But what else rhymes with those words??? And you laughed, you didn't you???

Grahamburger said...

I did laugh, but I didn't become a hobo for him. I became a hobo for me. :P

Sue said...

I know, but I had to make a rhyme - poetic license I tells ya!