I'm going to do something unusual in this post, I'm going to tell you when I slept and for how long each night. Take careful note, and I wonder if anyone can tell me exactly how sleep deprived I am right now.
So, Thursday night was our school's male beauty pageant (I don't really know how else to describe it). No, I wasn't in it this year. (My friend Mike beat me in the vote so he was in it, not me) Before it started there was blog-worthy stuff going on. My friend Olga was palling around with this cute guy who was obviously gay. She introduced me (I might have encouraged that) and he and I got to talking, he gave me his phone number and encouraged me to text him. Note that this was his idea completely.
So I did text him. And he replied. And so on and so forth throughout the course of the show.
The show was PHENOMENAL! I have to take a moment to say, however, that for a competition that is meant to reward creativity, originality, and dance skills it utterly failed this year. My friend Matt, after imitating Gollum and creating his own Lord of the Rings/Michael Jackson mix for his lip sync portion should have at the very least placed and he didn't. It was the most disappointed I have been in my school since I got here -- and that's really saying something.
I was extremely pleased, however, that my friend Mike (who beat me in the vote, and that's the only reaosn I wasn't competing myself) won. He was probably the most consistently awesome, and plus his escort was his mother (and he danced with her when they came out), so he had it in the bag. But I'm ridiculously pleased that he won, because what shame is there in my losing out in the vote to the guy who won? None. Nadah. I'm still almost the most amazing guy at our school.
Once the show ended, however? The guy I'd been talking to, Josh, suddenly stopped texting back. I saw him at our campus' little eatery where everyone went after the show, said "hi" and got a look and a cold shoulder. Obviously not worth it, but my friend Ty who was with me was mildly outraged, and stole my phone and then texted Josh from his own. "Hey, you know Graham?"
"Yeah, why?"
"No reason."
"Who is this?"
Ty gave his name from the show that had just happened, which ps Ty was in and it was kind of a train wreck (no offense Ty!). No response. A while later, I'm back at home and Ty and I are texting, since I'm a little peeved with him for doing that (cause now I look like I just gave out Josh's number) when suddenly Ty says "he wants to hang out with me". Obviously, Ty didn't because he's got moral standards and loyalty to his friends and also that's like a red flag that this kid is either far sluttier than either of us want out of a guy or that he's just a douche.
So I went to bed, and I slept for six hours.
Then there was Friday. Went through classes mindlessly and drone-like as always, with one exception: my advising appointment. Where we worked out my schedule so that I will be finished with classes one semester early. I am finishing up school in December! I'll still walk with my class in May, but it gives me a whole semester to figure out how to land on my feet following graduation. That is, if everything goes according to plan and we know how improbable that is in my life. :P
Then I took Katie to her latest doctor's appointment with her newest doctor. They hadn't gotten her x-rays, so they've scheduled her for a bone scan on Friday. Now, while she was making phone calls to let everyone involved know the latest, she got one from the government temp agency that she works for. And she was asked to resign her position, because she's missed so much work. Apparently, they're also including the two weeks she took off between assignments, although no one ever so much as implied that that actually counted against her time off. More than that, they're counting all of her excused medical absences because of this foot thing. She put in her resignation on Monday.
The scariest part? I haven't had a chance to try to find a roomie once she moves out in May. I don't know when I will get that chance. I don't even have time to stop by the rental office to go over my finances so I can make sure I can keep the apartment. Well, maybe Thursday I will. I better. I mean, seriously? I haven't had time to look at all of my e-mail (and it's taken me DAYS to write this), so the classifieds sitting in my inbox? I have 663 unread e-mails, and most of that? Isn't junk mail (though a lot of it, by now I'm sure, is old enough that I no longer need to read it). I go through about 30 a day, and get somewhere between 40 to a 100 the following -- this is a losing battle.

We got back from the show at midnight, and I began to work on my Monday morning presentation. Then I went to sleep for seven hours.
I woke up bright and early and went to get my haircut for the show, because it's coming up and coming up quickly! And we -- or at least I -- am so not ready. There's so much going on, and I just want to be able to focus on the show but it's really, truly difficult right now to focus on anything.
So after that, I met up with Allies and we went on our trip to Philadelphia. I handed my car keys to my friend Lindsey to give to my friend Natasha who needed my car for the day (I trust Natasha with my Pretty, she's driven her before.) We went to the zoo (I love that the signs all say Phila Zoo), which was a BLAST. Of course, Roger Williams Park Zoo in Providence is WAY better, but that's beside the point. Then we went to the gayborhood and we just sort of hung out. Amanda and I went to this restaurant called "More Than Just Ice Cream" and it was SO GOOD!
Soon, we all met up and headed over to 12th Air Command. We made a LOT of friends, and I met another boy. (Actually, all the gay guys there did...kinda.) His name is Beau, he's cute, and he's coming to visit this weekend. Why is it that I'm apparently at my hottest when I'm stressed beyond belief and can't really enjoy it? :P
We left Philly and went home. We got back at 4:19 am. I chilled around campus -- car-less. With my phone, dead. I walked to Giant and bought a breakfast of dried fruits. I walked back to campus and saw in Natasha's driveway -- my car! So I chillaxed there til she came out at 6:30 am (I know, I'm a creeper) and she and I headed over to meet the theater club for the New York trip!
The bus driver was AJ, who I go waaaaaaaayyyyy back with (I'm pretty sure I've mentioned him on here, probably ages ago when I first started dancing at XS), but I won't lie, he makes me kind of really uncomfortable. And he charmed the socks off everyone on the trip.
We wandered around New York City, and eventually settled on lunch at a fabulous little place called, if I recall correctly, the Playwright's Tavern?
After lunch we headed over to the Eugene O'Neil Theater and watched Spring Awakening.

We also stood at the stage door and got autographs! YAY! :)
We got back at 11:30 pm. I finished working on my presentation for Monday morning and slept for six hours. I woke up, did my presentation, and left class for my own doctor's appointment for my elbow. The doctor pulled up my x-rays and then asked "Did you have x-rays taken?" He was confused by how my elbow looks like it belongs to an old man. The problem? Colitical arthritis from my Crohn's disease. The remedy? Surgery on April 22nd.
And somehow, the jokes that everyone and their mother keeps making about elbow injuries just aren't making me feel the love. They are making me feel like my friends are retarded and that they'd probably have a hernia if they had an original thought though. (I know, that was mean, but after twelve nearly identical masturbation jokes about my elbow in under an hour and a half, I think they've earned it.)
Last night, I went to bed at two thirty am, but I couldn't fall asleep for several hours. When I did get to sleep, I didn't stay asleep much. So even though there was a good ten to twelve hours dedicated to sleep, I don't think it helped much.
And, ps, that paycheck that went missing? STILL MISSING. I'm calling work today and trust me, there's gonna be words. I have not ever worked for ONLY two hours, and yet that's all I've been paid for at all this entire month. I need to go look for a job. But that costs gas that I can't really afford. Huh, another losing battle, imagine that.
Hey, finally finished! And just think...I started writing this Thursday night. It didn't quite take a week!
My goodness, such a busy life you have! I still need a score card, but so long as you can keep it all straight that is all that matters. Good luck with your surgery. Kisses!
Read your blog over... Its interesting that I have seen those kind of guys so many times... They are the worst... SLUTS + DOUCHEs LOL... Looking over that pic in the top of the blog, I was going to say that you should always take into consideration that not everyone has your same taste in man :) You seem to be almost obsessed with the model-type of boy :) Me, and a lot of other people, are more into the next-door neighboor-type of man :O Just saying... But yeah, go sleep Mr.... Sleep will keep you young and beautiful forever ;D or for longer!
Uhh, I typically get five hours of sleep per night. Maybe six if I "sleep in." How much sleep does a body need? Some people think they need (and get) too much. Just get a consistent six and you'll be fine (hours, not inches...although come to think of it a consistent six inches would make life pretty good too, heh).
Sorry about your Crohn's. That's gotta suck. I enjoy your blog, sounds like you have a fun, busy, boy-filled life.
get some rest.
Graham tsk tsk, Come here sit on my knee and let me (never mind)...lol
What the heck is going on young man! No time for this no time for that...You need to slow down a bit and concentrate on the important things in life. There is no place like home! Dorothy had wise words, shame about her friend though...lol. A place to live & food in your belly are the No 1 priorities! How dare your employer not pay you, thats bullshit. Go get what you rightfully deserve. I know a little about Crohn's through a friend of mine, and I am sorry to hear it is causing you discomfort. 100 emails a day....OMG I dont get that in a year!...No further comment needed...lol
Babe just take time out for yourself, if you can't find any, make some. And get those important issues sorted out, the boys can wait! Your young! xoxox
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